Webinar recording: Recovery in the bunker? See how!

We would like to invite you to webinar: Recovery in the bunker? See how!, which will take place on the 5th of February, as a part of the Transformation Experts Academy. 

Cyber Recovery solution has more and more organizations. At minimal cost, we have the ability to recover after a ransomware / hacker attack.

  • Recovery – what does it mean?
  • How can we recover in Cyber Bunker? • How to get access to our data? In bunker they are in compliances mode, not possible to changed/removed by anyone.
  • What recovery scenarios do we have? Tests? Production migration?

Let us invite you to the journey into inside of the bunker. We will see what we can do within the bunker, how much space do we have, how can bunker be useful in times of peace. All in the form of a live show! Prepare your favorable drink and… I am looking forward to our discussion!

Speaker: Daniel Olkowski Principal System Engineer, Dell Technologies

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